Scaling Scrum for Enterprise Essential Tips for Product Owners

Jun 03, 2024
Scaling Scrum for Enterprise Essential Tips for Product Owners

Are you struggling to manage your agile projects as they grow in complexity and scale? You're not alone. Many organizations face the challenge of maintaining efficiency and communication as they expand. 

This is where Scrum, a popular agile framework, comes in. Research conducted by the Scrum Alliance, titled "State of Scrum Report 2017-2018," states that 85% of Scrum practitioners say it improves the quality of their work lives.

Scrum helps teams deliver high-quality products through iterative progress, constant feedback, and collaboration.

However, as projects grow, so does the need to scale Scrum to fit enterprise-level demands. Scaling Scrum involves applying its principles to larger teams and more complex projects without losing the core benefits of agility and responsiveness. 

Understanding the various frameworks and methodologies for scaling Scrum is crucial to ensuring your organization can handle larger projects effectively while staying true to agile values. 

Let's explore how you can scale Scrum to meet the needs of your expanding enterprise.

What is Scaled Scrum Frameworks

Scrum@Scale is a framework designed to coordinate multiple Scrum teams working on complex projects efficiently. It was created by Jeff Sutherland, one of the co-creators of Scrum, to scale Scrum principles across an entire organization.

The key principles of Scrum@Scale include

  • Modular Approach: Scrum@Scale allows you to scale different parts of the organization independently. This modularity ensures that each component can grow at its own pace without overwhelming the system.
  • Scrum of Scrums: This is a central element where representatives from each Scrum team meet regularly to discuss progress, align on goals, and resolve dependencies or impediments.
  • Executive Action Team (EAT): This team removes organizational impediments, facilitates communication, and ensures alignment with strategic goals.
  • Continuous Improvement: Scrum@Scale emphasizes the need for regular retrospectives and feedback loops to refine and improve processes continually.

With these principles, Scrum@Scale helps organizations maintain agility while expanding their operations.

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Comparison with Scrum@Scale

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is another popular framework for scaling agile practices across large enterprises. Developed by Dean Leffingwell, SAFe provides a structured approach with a strong emphasis on alignment, collaboration, and delivery.

Key features of SAFe include

  • Four Configurations: SAFe offers four configurations (Essential SAFe, Large Solution SAFe, Portfolio SAFe, and Full SAFe) to meet the needs of organizations of various sizes and complexities.
  • Agile Release Trains (ARTs): These are agile teams that work together to deliver value in a synchronized manner. ARTs ensure that all teams are aligned and working towards common objectives.
  • Program Increment (PI) Planning: A cadence-based event that brings together all stakeholders to plan and commit to the work for the next increment, typically over 8-12 weeks.
  • Lean-Agile Leadership: SAFe emphasizes the role of leaders in driving and sustaining the agile transformation by embodying lean-agile principles.

While both Scrum@Scale and SAFe aim to scale agile practices, they differ in their approaches. Scrum@Scale is more flexible and modular, allowing organizations to scale different parts independently. In contrast, SAFe provides a more prescriptive and structured approach, with defined roles and ceremonies to guide the scaling process.

Meta Scrum vs Scrum of Scrums Definitions and Distinctions

Both Meta Scrum and Scrum of Scrums are meetings designed to facilitate communication and coordination among multiple Scrum teams, but they serve different purposes and have distinct formats.

Scrum of Scrums

  • Purpose: Primarily focused on resolving dependencies and impediments between teams.
  • Participants: Typically includes representatives (often called Scrum of Scrums Masters) from each Scrum team.
  • Frequency: Often held weekly or more frequently, depending on the needs of the teams.
  • Format: Each representative provides updates on their team’s progress, discusses challenges, and seeks help from other teams to resolve issues.

Meta Scrum

  • Purpose: Aligns the work of multiple teams with the overall business objectives and strategy.
  • Participants: Involves Product Owners from different teams, along with key stakeholders and executives.
  • Frequency: Usually held at regular intervals, such as the start of each sprint or release cycle.
  • Format: Focuses on strategic alignment, prioritization of the product backlog, and ensuring that all teams are working towards the same business goals.

The Scrum of Scrums is more tactical, dealing with day-to-day coordination and problem-solving. At the same time, the Meta Scrum is strategic, ensuring that the teams' work aligns with the broader organizational objectives. Both are essential for scaling Scrum effectively but address different aspects of the scaling process.


Key Concepts in Scaling Scrum

Scaling Scrum Frameworks

Scaling Scrum involves expanding the agile principles of Scrum to accommodate larger, more complex projects and multiple teams. Here are some of the prominent frameworks used for scaling Scrum:

  • Scrum@Scale: Developed by Jeff Sutherland, Scrum@Scale is a flexible, modular framework that allows different parts of an organization to scale independently. It focuses on maintaining the core principles of Scrum while ensuring coordination and communication across teams.
  • Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): Created by Dean Leffingwell, SAFe provides a structured approach to scaling agile practices. It includes predefined roles, ceremonies, and artifacts to ensure alignment and collaboration across multiple teams. SAFe is often favored for its comprehensive guidance on aligning business strategy with execution.
  • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS): LeSS extends Scrum principles to large-scale projects, emphasizing simplicity and maintaining a single product backlog. It encourages minimal changes to the original Scrum framework, focusing on roles and artifacts that scale naturally.
  • Nexus: Developed by Ken Schwaber, Nexus is designed for scaling Scrum to large product development initiatives. It introduces additional roles and events to handle dependencies and integrations between teams, while maintaining a single Product Backlog.

Each of these frameworks has its own unique strengths and is suited to different organizational needs and contexts.

Scrum of Scrums

The Scrum of Scrums (SoS) is a meeting format designed to ensure effective coordination and communication across multiple Scrum teams working on the same project or product.

  • Definition: The Scrum of Scrums is a scaled agile practice where representatives from each Scrum team meet regularly to discuss progress, share challenges, and coordinate efforts. It acts as a mechanism to address inter-team dependencies and impediments.
  • Role: In scaled Scrum environments, the Scrum of Scrums is critical in maintaining alignment and facilitating information flow between teams. It helps ensure that teams work cohesively towards shared goals, mitigate risks, and avoid bottlenecks that can arise from interdependencies.

The Scrum of Scrums is essential for maintaining agility and responsiveness in large-scale projects. It provides a structured forum for collaboration and problem-solving.

Scrum of Scrums Master Responsibilities and Importance in Scaled Agile Practices

The Scrum of Scrums Master (SoSM) is a key role in scaled agile practices, responsible for facilitating the Scrum of Scrums and ensuring effective coordination across teams.


  • Facilitation: Leading Scrum of Scrums meetings, ensuring they are productive and focused on resolving inter-team issues.
  • Impediment Removal: Identifying and addressing multiple teams' impediments, and working with stakeholders to find solutions.
  • Communication: Acting as a team liaison, ensuring critical information is shared and understood across the organization.
  • Continuous Improvement: Promoting agile principles and practices, continually encouraging teams to improve their processes and collaboration.

Importance: The Scrum of Scrums Master is crucial for maintaining momentum and coherence in scaled agile projects. By focusing on inter-team dynamics and removing obstacles, the SoSM helps teams stay aligned and productive, ensuring the project progresses smoothly.

Product Backlogs in Scrum@Scale

How Many Product Backlogs Should There Be and Best Practices for Managing Them?

In Scrum@Scale, managing product backlogs effectively is key to maintaining clarity and alignment across multiple teams.

How Many Product Backlogs Should There Be? Ideally, there should be a single Product Backlog for the entire product. This centralizes the prioritization and ensures all teams align with the same vision and goals. However, larger organizations may also use subordinate backlogs to manage specific work areas, which should always be derived from and aligned with the primary Product Backlog.

Best Practices for Managing Product Backlogs

  • Clear Ownership: Assign a Product Owner responsible for maintaining the Product Backlog and ensuring it reflects the current priorities and strategic direction.
  • Regular Refinement: Continuously refine the Product Backlog to keep it relevant and actionable. This involves regularly updating backlog items based on feedback, changes in market conditions, and stakeholder input.
  • Prioritization: Use prioritization techniques such as MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have) or weighted shortest job first (WSJF) to ensure that the most valuable items are addressed.
  • Visibility and Transparency: Maintain a transparent backlog accessible to all stakeholders. This helps ensure that everyone understands the current priorities and progress.
  • Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between teams and stakeholders during backlog refinement sessions to ensure that all perspectives are considered and the backlog is comprehensive.

With these best practices, organizations can effectively manage product backlogs in a Scrum@Scale environment. 

Practical Tips for Product Owners in Scaled Scrum Implementations

  • Centralize the Product Backlog: Ensure there is a single, centralized Product Backlog that all teams reference. This helps maintain a unified vision and ensures all teams work towards the same goals.
  • Prioritize Transparently: Use clear, consistent criteria for prioritizing backlog items. Techniques like MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have) or WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First) can help address the most valuable and urgent items first.
  • Regular Backlog Refinement Sessions: Schedule frequent refinement sessions to keep the backlog up-to-date and relevant. This allows for continuous input and adjustment based on feedback and changing priorities.
  • Collaborate with Stakeholders: Actively engage stakeholders in the backlog management process. Their input is crucial for ensuring the backlog reflects the latest business needs and market conditions.
  • Segment by Themes or Epics: Organize backlog items into themes or epics to provide structure and clarity. This helps teams understand the broader context and how their work contributes to larger objectives.
  • Define Clear Acceptance Criteria: Ensure each backlog item has well-defined acceptance criteria. This clarity helps teams understand what is required and reduces ambiguity.
  • Leverage Tools for Visibility: To maintain visibility and transparency, use agile project management tools like Jira, Trello, or Azure DevOps. These tools help track progress, facilitate collaboration, and ensure all team members can access the latest backlog information.

Effective Scale Meetings

How to Run a Scrum of Scrums and Other Essential Scaled Meetings

  • Set a Regular Schedule: Hold Scrum of Scrums meetings regularly (e.g., weekly or bi-weekly) to ensure consistent communication and coordination.
  • Keep Meetings Focused and Time-boxed: Ensure that meetings are concise and focused on addressing dependencies, impediments, and coordination. Typically, Scrum of Scrums meetings should be time-boxed to 30 minutes.
  • Prepare an Agenda: Have a clear agenda for each meeting. This might include progress updates, impediment discussions, and planning for upcoming sprints.
  • Rotate Representatives: Rotate the team representatives attending the Scrum of Scrums to ensure diverse perspectives and shared responsibility.
  • Use a Structured Format: Follow a structured format where each team representative answers key questions: What did the team accomplish since the last meeting? What will the team accomplish before the next meeting? What impediments are blocking the team's progress?
  • Facilitate Open Communication: Encourage open and transparent communication. Create a safe environment where teams can freely discuss challenges and dependencies.
  • Track and Follow Up on Actions: Document action items and follow up in subsequent meetings. This ensures accountability and continuous progress.

Key Scrum Concepts for Scaling Core Principles That Remain Crucial Even When Scaling Scrum

  • Maintain Agile Values and Principles: Ensure that the core values and principles of the Agile Manifesto (e.g., individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change) remain at the heart of your scaled Scrum implementation.
  • Emphasize Incremental Delivery: Continue to focus on delivering incremental value through potentially shippable product increments. This ensures regular feedback and continuous improvement.
  • Promote Cross-functional Teams: Encourage teams to remain cross-functional and self-organizing, capable of delivering end-to-end value without dependencies on external groups.
  • Foster a Culture of Collaboration: Promote a culture where team collaboration is encouraged and valued. This helps ensure alignment and coherence in larger, scaled projects.
  • Prioritize Continuous Improvement: Hold regular retrospectives at the team and program level to identify areas for improvement and implement changes iteratively.
  • Ensure Transparency: Maintain transparency at all levels, from team progress to strategic goals. Use visual management tools and regular communication to keep everyone informed.
  • Align Work with Business Objectives: Continuously ensure that all work aligns with the organization’s strategic objectives. This helps maintain focus on delivering value that matters most to the business and its customers.

By following these practical tips, Product Owners can effectively manage the complexities of scaling Scrum, ensuring that their teams remain agile, aligned, and focused on delivering high-quality products.

Comparing Scaling Frameworks

Scrum@Scale vs SAFe Pros and Cons of Each Framework

When scaling agile practices across organizations, Scrum@Scale and SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) are two prominent frameworks each offering distinct pros and cons. Understanding their differences can help you decide which framework might be best suited for your organizational needs.


  • Scrum@Scale: Highly flexible and modular, allowing different parts of the organization to scale independently. This flexibility supports varied implementation strategies across departments.
  • SAFe: More prescriptive, providing defined roles, ceremonies, and artifacts which can offer needed structure for larger organizations.


  • Scrum@Scale: Relatively simpler as it builds directly on core Scrum principles and practices, making it easier for teams already familiar with Scrum to adapt.
  • SAFe: Incorporates multiple layers and roles, leading to a more complex framework that typically requires more extensive training and adaptation efforts.


  • Scrum@Scale: Easier to implement gradually, allowing organizations to adopt the framework incrementally and scale as needed without overwhelming the team.
  • SAFe: Generally requires significant upfront investment in training and restructuring, making it a considerable endeavor that needs strong organizational commitment to shift.


  • Scrum@Scale: Offers significant flexibility in customization to fit the specific needs of different teams or departments within the organization.
  • SAFe: While less customizable due to its structured nature, it provides detailed guidance that can be beneficial for organizations seeking a more standardized approach to scaling.


  • Scrum@Scale: Emphasizes decentralization and continuous improvement, aiming to enhance agility at all levels of the organization.
  • SAFe: Focuses on alignment, collaboration, and program-level governance, helping to ensure that various departments and teams work towards common enterprise goals.

Use Cases

  • Scrum@Scale: Best for organizations that value flexibility and have diverse team structures or those in industries where rapid adaptation is crucial.
  • SAFe: Suitable for large enterprises or those organizations that require rigorous structure and comprehensive guidance to ensure alignment and synchronization across all levels.

Which two of the following are frameworks for scaling agile in a larger organization?

When it comes to scaling agile practices, several frameworks offer unique approaches and benefits. Here’s a comparative look at Scrum@Scale, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Nexus, and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), focusing on their flexibility, complexity, implementation, customization, and primary focus.


  • Scrum@Scale: Highly flexible and modular, adaptable to varying organizational needs.
  • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS): Builds on core Scrum principles by adding minimal roles and artifacts, maintaining simplicity and adaptability.
  • Nexus: Extends Scrum with minimal additional roles, focusing on managing dependencies and integration among teams.
  • SAFe: Structured, with defined roles and ceremonies, best suited for large organizations requiring comprehensive frameworks.


  • Scrum@Scale: Moderate complexity, adaptable to different organizational scales.
  • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS): Low complexity, aims to keep changes to Scrum minimal.
  • Nexus: Low complexity, focusing on dependencies and integration without significantly altering Scrum's core.
  • SAFe: High complexity, involving multiple layers and roles, necessitating extensive training and orientation.


  • Scrum@Scale: Can be implemented gradually and incrementally, allowing for flexibility in adoption based on organizational readiness.
  • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS): Simple to implement, requires minimal additional training beyond basic Scrum knowledge.
  • Nexus: Implementation leverages existing Scrum practices, making it easier for teams already familiar with Scrum.
  • SAFe: Requires significant upfront investment in training and restructuring, often involving a substantial organizational commitment.


  • Scrum@Scale: Highly customizable, allowing it to be tailored to the specific needs of various teams and departments.
  • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS): Customization is limited as it sticks closely to core Scrum principles to maintain its integrity and simplicity.
  • Nexus: Also limited in customization, designed to complement rather than replace existing Scrum frameworks.
  • SAFe: Customization is more restricted due to its structured approach, though it offers a range of options within its predefined roles and processes.


  • Scrum@Scale: Focuses on empowering teams and decentralizing decision-making to improve agility and responsiveness.
  • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS): Emphasizes maintaining the integrity of Scrum at scale, focusing on efficiency and lean principles.
  • Nexus: Concentrates on coordination and collaboration among Scrum teams to manage cross-team challenges effectively.
  • SAFe: Aims at alignment, execution, and delivery across large numbers of teams, prioritizing consistency and control at scale.

Scrum of Scrums vs SAFe

Understanding When to Use Each Approach

Both Scrum of Scrums and SAFe offer distinct methodologies for scaling agile practices, but they cater to different organizational needs and scenarios. Below is a detailed comparison to help determine the best approach for your situation.


  • Scrum of Scrums: Focuses on coordination and communication across multiple Scrum teams to ensure alignment and address cross-team challenges.
  • SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework): Provides a comprehensive framework for scaling agile practices across an entire organization, integrating various functions and aligning them with business goals.


  • Scrum of Scrums: Tactical approach aimed at resolving inter-team dependencies and impediments that affect progress.
  • SAFe: Strategic, focusing on aligning business objectives with execution through structured roles, ceremonies, and artifacts.


  • Scrum of Scrums: Low complexity, as it extends existing Scrum practices to facilitate inter-team communication.
  • SAFe: High complexity due to its multi-layer structure, involving multiple roles and predefined processes.


  • Scrum of Scrums: Relatively easy to implement, requiring minimal adjustments to existing Scrum practices to accommodate larger team interactions.
  • SAFe: Demands significant effort in training, restructuring, and cultural adaptation to deploy effectively across various levels of an organization.

Best For

  • Scrum of Scrums: Best suited for organizations with a few Scrum teams that need enhanced coordination but do not require a large-scale transformation.
  • SAFe: Ideal for large enterprises with complex, multi-team projects that require strong alignment, governance, and the ability to manage extensive portfolios.

Meeting Frequency

  • Scrum of Scrums: Typically meets regularly, often weekly or bi-weekly, to discuss progress, dependencies, and impediments.
  • SAFe: Features a defined cadence for various events, including Program Increment (PI) Planning, which involves all stakeholders in planning and alignment sessions.


  • Scrum of Scrums: Highly flexible, allowing customization to meet specific needs of the teams involved. It adapts easily to the organization’s existing Scrum practices.
  • SAFe: Less flexible due to its structured nature; however, it provides a robust framework for those requiring thorough guidance and prescribed processes.

This table comparison provides a clear overview of the different scaling frameworks and when each might be most appropriate, helping you make an informed decision based on your organization’s specific needs and context.

Tools and Templates

Scrum of Scrums Template

A practical Scrum of Scrums template includes team updates, impediments, and dependencies sections. Representatives should answer: What did we accomplish? What will we do next? What obstacles are we facing? This ensures focused discussions and efficient problem-solving across teams.

Scale Sprints

To manage sprints in a scaled Scrum environment, synchronize sprint schedules, ensure a shared understanding of goals, and use integrated tools for visibility. Regular cross-team retrospectives and clear communication channels, like Scrum of Scrums meetings, keep teams aligned and focused on delivering cohesive increments.


What is the Product Owner cycle in scrum at scale?

In the Scrum@Scale framework, the Product Owner cycle involves a structured approach to managing the product backlog across multiple teams. Each Scrum of Scrums is supported by a shared common backlog that serves as a unified source of work for the network of teams. 

This process necessitates the formation of a Product Owner Team (PO Team), which includes a Chief Product Owner. The Chief Product Owner is responsible for acting as the Product Owner for the entire group of teams, ensuring alignment, prioritization, and effective backlog management across the Scrum environment. 

This structure helps maintain a cohesive vision and streamlined workflow, which is crucial for successfully scaling agile practices.

What should Product Owners be concerned with in Scrum?

In Scrum, Product Owners play a pivotal role in ensuring the product's success by focusing on several key responsibilities. Central to their role is the mastery of understanding and anticipating client needs, enabling effective management of the product roadmap and backlog. 

Their expertise in the market landscape, coupled with strong communication skills, empowers them to anticipate and address potential issues or requirements proactively. 

By leveraging their deep understanding of customer needs and market dynamics, Product Owners drive product development in alignment with business goals, foster collaboration, and ensure value delivery to stakeholders.

How to scale a Product Owner?

Scaling a Product Owner involves maintaining a unified approach with one Product Owner overseeing a single Product Backlog, ensuring a cohesive focus on the entire product. In conventional large-scale product setups, there's often a division between outward-focused groups like product managers and inward-focused groups like developers.

The team maintains alignment by consolidating the Product Owner role and the Product Backlog, fostering collaboration and ensuring that internal and external perspectives are integrated seamlessly. 

This approach breaks down silos and promotes holistic product development, leading to enhanced efficiency and alignment with overall business objectives.

Final Words 

Scaling Scrum effectively in an enterprise setting is crucial for maintaining agility and delivering high-quality products across large, complex projects. Choosing the proper framework, such as Scrum@Scale, SAFe, or another, can significantly impact your success. In this blog, we’ve explored various frameworks and provided practical tips for Product Owners to manage scaled Scrum implementations efficiently. 

From creating unified product backlogs to running effective Scrum of Scrums meetings, these insights aim to help you navigate the challenges of scaling agile practices. Staying adaptable and continually improving your processes is key to thriving in a dynamic business environment. 

Let’s dive into the essential strategies and tools to help your organization scale Scrum successfully.

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